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Seminal Energy & How To Preserve It !!

Semen is the storehouse of energy in man. It is the finest energy extracted from the foods we eat. It is the vital energy that is needed mainly for the development of brain and nervous system. It is the white blood cell that is needed to improve the immunity system. It is the mother of all the energies in human body. And, as per the Yogis and religious texts, it is the only energy that is needed for spiritual awakening. And only one who has control over its usage is fit to attain that state - the highest goal to be attained in human birth.

With the past experience of about 7 years, I have learnt a fraction of knowledge about the power of seminal energy. I have created my own theory based on it. It is not what doctors say, or what other people talk, and it is not about what Yogis advise; it is only about my experiences and my conclusions.

Seminal energy when preserved and used in the body, promotes health. If it is thrown, or if it gets lost in any other way, degrades health. And in too much extent, it decreases life-span causing long term diseases that doesn't heal through medication.

Causes of semen loss:

  1. Masturbation
  2. Sex
  3. Wet Dreams
  4. Sexual stimulation

Effects of too much of seminal emission:

  1. Weak body
  2. Reduced immunity
  3. Dull and dry skin
  4. Dirts and pimples on face
  5. Gum and teeth problems
  6. Nervous disorders
  7. Back pain
  8. Joints pain
  9. Poor digestion
  10. Gastritis (that doesn’t heal through medication)
  11. Stomach bloat
  12. Cough and cold (that doesn't heal easily)
  13. Body too sensitive to cold weather/water
  14. Fatigue
  15. Dizziness
  16. Loss of appetite
  17. Loss of hair
  18. Prone to lethargy and sleepiness
  19. Low blood pressure
  20. Frequent urination problem
  21. Loss of focus and concentration
  22. Prone to other diseases
  23. Prone to depression (if one understands its value by experiencing its effects, and couldn't control it)

Here, "too much" means either daily, or in an interval of 1 or 2 days, and for a prolonged time of about more than a year. Also, i am not specifying that these diseases are only due to seminal loss, but seminal loss for a prolonged period will also result in these diseases. These diseases, if caused by other means, can be cured through medication and better lifestyle (unless his internal organ is completely damaged by the disease). But if these are the results of seminal deficiency (due to its wastage), then there is no medicine for it unless one stops this habit while he is still a teenager or an adult, i.e while his body can still generate lots of energy.

Sometimes, one may not experience same effects even if he has a habit of frequent seminal discharge. There are some reasons behind it:
1. Diet of a person, exercises he does, or any other source of gaining energy quickly.
2. Strong base (hereditary) energy.
3. Ignorance towards the importance of seminal power, and believing that his disease is due to some other cause.
4. His frequency might not be "too much" as mentioned here.

Seeing the effects shown here, one may think that preserving it can make a person invincible. But it doesn't happen. Preserving it does nothing more than keeping one's health in tune (considering that he is being protected from other sources of diseases). But wasting it on a timely basis provides harm. Today it may seem fine, but tomorrow the person is going to suffer. There is no doubt on this.

Most people consider it a myth. Even doctors and scientists consider it a normal bodily function that happens once the person reaches puberty; it is completely fine and healthy; and there is nothing to be worried about. Yes, it might be true. The puberty period is when the body produces most semen, and the body needs to recycle the old semen in order to store new ones. It is true, but one needs to do this not by throwing it, but by using it in the body through exercises (for proper digestion of food and extraction of nutrients), meditation (for purifying the thought), Yoga Asanas (for utilizing the semen in the body and preventing it from flowing downwards), and Pranayamas (for clearing up the streams in the body for proper bodily functions). Discharging semen causes loss of most significant energy from the body. And the other available energies will not be able to provide enough nutrition. The only reason people don't believe this is because it doesn't have quick effect (although it has quick effect on those whose diet is poor, and who is not naturally so strong and healthy). And when the body starts showing symptoms, people will already forget their past habits, and blame other causes, or think they suffered without cause.

Except Wet dreams, other causes of seminal discharge are completely in our control. And one who wants to walk in the path of spirituality, or who wants to preserve semen for restoring the health, he needs to stop throwing semen out of his body (except for procreation) as soon as possible. But what about wet dreams??

Wet dream

The process of emission of semen, involuntarily, while the person is falling asleep is known as wet dream. It is also called nocturnal emission, that means, emission at night. But it can also happen during the day when the person sleeps continuously for several hours.

Causes of wet dreams:

  1. Sleeping with full stomach.
  2. Drinking lots of water (or any other liquid) just before sleeping.
  3. Sexual stimulation (physical or mental) just before sleeping.
  4. Watching stimulating videos or pictures (before sleeping or anytime).
  5. Too much masturbation which weakens the semen-holding capacity of the body.
  6. No regular exercise (that causes semen to not being used in the body).
  7. Improper sleeping position.
  8. Oversleep, more than 8 hours (continuously).
  9. Overheating the body during sleep
  10. Doing Yogic exercises (especially that deals with stomach) right before sleeping.
  11. Impure thought or lustful thought (most important, and most difficult to overcome).

Preventive measures from having wet dreams:

  1. Never sleep right after eating lots of food. Better eat only a quarter (⅓) part of food in the night time. And, maintain a gap of about 2 hours after eating food and sleeping.
  2. Never drink lots of water or any other liquids just before sleeping. Better is it to drink more water in the morning and in the day time, and gradually decrease till evening. If you feel thirsty during the night, drink only a pinch of water (warm is preferred) just to soothe the neck. Make a habit of urinating right before sleeping. If you are prone to wet dreams, wake up 2 hours after the first sleep, empty the bladder and go for overnight sleep.
  3. Never stimulate your body physically or mentally right before sleeping. Better is it to meditate or pray for a while. It makes your mind pure and clean.
  4. Never watch stimulating videos just before sleeping. Better is it to watch some kid-cartoons, spiritual movies, or any movies you like that do not contain adultery scenes. What is watched or deeply thought right before sleeping will affect your dreams by about 80%.
  5. If you are in a habit of masturbation, decrease it slowly, and finally reduce to zero. Masturbation thins the semen and weakens the semen-holding capacity of the body, and makes it easier to discharge.
  6. Exercise everyday, both in the morning and in the evening in an empty stomach. Do Yoga and meditation. Yoga is for utilizing semen in the body, and meditation is for purification of the mind.
  7. Care your sleeping position. Never fall asleep on your back (unless you sleep for relaxation). It is recommended to sleep more on the left (i.e. with left ear facing the pillow, as warm air needs to flow through the right nostril during the night time in order to cause proper digestion), and less on the right. Remember that this step crucial to those who are prone to wet dreams.
  8. Do not oversleep (continuously). Oversleep causes burden in the belly with urine. Instead, wake up in the right time, empty the belly, and then again go to sleep. Also, it is better to sleep early and wake up early rather than sleeping late and waking up late (although one sleeps for equal hours).
  9. Do not use lots of blankets (or very thick blanket) causing the body to heat up during sleep.
  10. Perform Yogic postures only on an empty stomach (better drink a glass of pure warm water before doing Yoga) either in the morning or in the evening, but not after eating food.
  11. Unless you purify your thought (i.e. the desire of sex for physical, mental or sensual satisfaction), wet dreams will still haunt you from time to time.

Therefore, although wet dreams are common among boys (less common in girls), it can be stopped if you really want. It is not natural as it is the result of impure thought and improper lifestyle. And it is not healthy (as opposed to the doctors of present age), but an initial cause for the origin of every kind of diseases in the body and impurities in the mind.

Always remember that every disease is born of our own ignorance (either to us or to future generations, and either in short term or in long term). If we continue discharging semen continuously from our body, then not only us, but our children are also in the risk of developing health issues. And at that time, they will think they suffered without cause. They find themselves suffering even though they haven’t done anything wrong. The problem becomes more complex. Doctors will name their disease with new term, start believing that some disease emerge themselves (or their origin is not in our control), and start researching about the solutions to cure it. This is the reason why there are many kinds of diseases in the world. People first become ignorant towards their health (due to inability in controlling their senses), and then start searching about the cure after they are suffered. Remember that seminal energy is the most important and powerful energy (physically, mentally and spiritually) in human body, and wastage of it is sure to cause ill health, either to the person who wastes it, or to his children (who born out of weak sperm) in the future. Seminal energy can easily replace the deficiency of all other energies in the body, but no other energy (or any food or medicines) can replace seminal energy easily.

Life Message

We all go through series of good and bad habits usually in younger stage of life. We will not know what is good and what is bad, we just learn from our friends and ignorant elders. Hiding and being unware of right and wrong, we experiment many new and elderly acts if they are sensually pleasing to our body. Sometimes we experience good results, and sometimes bad according to what we have done and to what level. This happens to many youngsters, and is nearly unavoidable in this age of internet and versatile associations where parents (or educated elderly guardian) cannot everytime be present alongside their kids.

But wrong association and wrong acts certainly have negative impact on long run, either to our body or to our personality, whether we realize them in time or not. It is far better if we could discriminate right and wrong before we join wrong association (by deep thinking, researching, asking wise elders, or learning from other's long term experiences), but if we are already into it, then we need to stop right after experiencing its negative effects or right after we start feeling that we are deviating from our true goal in life.

We are the creator of our own sufferings. No disease is without a cause. Our health is 80% in our control, 10% in the environment we live (pollution), and 10% in our past generations (heredity); thus, disease is mostly caused by our own carelessness, either through desire, fashion, compulsion, or lack of awareness; but what we only see or blame is that remaining 20%, or some self-created unexisting 10%. Repenting on past mistakes gives us nothing, but learning right lessons from it is a bliss. Adopting something strange when we were innocent isn't our fault, but will be if we know it is wrong and couldn't renunciate from it. Doing mistake is not a mistake at all, but repeating the same mistake or not learning from the previous mistake, is a mistake.


This is my own theory. I don’t know whether this theory can be universally true or not, but I am quite sure that this is true atleast for my body. Therefore, I will not force anyone to believe me. Also, I have no interest in listening other people's ignorant or internet-thoughts relating to it. But what I advise others is, "If you have concluded any theory based on your years of thoughtful experiences that contradicts the scientific and biological theories (proved so far), then go with your experience ignoring the theories created by others, no matter even if they have been accepted by majorities. It is only for your own benefit."

Composed On: December 14, 2017


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